Nick Poulakis studied accordion performance, advanced theory and musicology. He holds a diploma in composition and a PhD in film (ethno)musicology, while he serves as Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Laboratory of Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology of the Department of Music Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He is an Adjunct Instructor at the Hellenic Open University in “Studies in Greek Civilization” Program. He has also taught at the Department of Folk and Traditional Music of the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus. Among others, he is a member of the editorial board of the musicological journal “Polyphonia”, the Hellenic Musicological Society, the Hellenic Society of Acoustic Ecology, the Media Anthropology Network and the International Music and Media Research Group. He has participated in more than 25 research projects related to the music of Thrace, Eastern Macedonia, Corfu and Crete; musical museums and archives; Western art music in times of crisis; video life-stories of migrants; musicology students’ internships; children’s songs analyses; digital music metadata; ethnomusicological films; and musical manuscripts’ restoration. His books “Musicology and Cinema: Critical Approaches to the Music of Modern Greek Films” and “Music from Optical Theater and Silent Cinema” have been published by Edition Orpheus.

Indicative publications

Poulakis, Nick. 2020. «European Art Music as a Modality of the Greek Crisis: Identities, Places, and Discourses». Series Musicologica Balcanica 1(1): 287-305.

Poulakis, Nick. 2019. «Ethnographic Film». In: Janet L. Sturman (ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. London and Thousand Oaks: Sage. 846-848.

Poulakis, Nick. 2017. «Sounds of Swords and Sandals: Music in Neo-Peplum BBC Television Docudramas». In: Nicholas Diak (ed.), The New Peplum: Essays on Sword and Sandal Films and Television Programs since the 1990s. Jefferson: McFarland. 95-114.

Poulakis, Nick. 2017. «A Touch of Spice: Postmodern Identities and the Construction of the Other through Film Music». In: Mikela Fotiou and Tonia Kazakopoulou (eds.), Contemporary Greek Film Cultures from 1990 to the Present. Oxford: Peter Lang. 205-230.

Poulakis, Nick. 2016. «Ethnomusicology in the Audiovisual World: Theoretical and Educational Applications». In: Enrique Cámara de Landa, Leonardo D’Amico, Matías Isolabella and Terada Yoshitaka (eds.), Ethnomusicology and Audiovisual Communication: Selected Papers from the MusiCam 2014 Symposium. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid – Aula de Música. 157-168.

Nick Poulakis

Special Teaching Staff