Panagiotis Poulos (BA, PhD SOAS, University of London) is Tenured Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicology at the Department of Music Studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and member of the Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology Laboratory of the same department. His research centers on the musical traditions of the Middle East, the cultural history of late Ottoman and Turkish music and arts with a focus on the role and status of non-Muslim communities, the intercommunal relations and the history of everyday life in Ottoman cities. Poulos is one of the founding members of the research team sonorCities, he is Scientific Coordinator (with E. Kolovos) of the research project Histories, Spaces and Heritages at the Transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Greek state (School at Athens, 2017-2021) and Principal Investigator of the research project Intercommunal Musical Geographies of Late Ottoman Istanbul (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation 2019-2022).
Selected publications
2019. Spaces of Intercommunal Musical Relations in Ottoman Istanbul. YILLIK: Annual
of Istanbul Studies 1: 181-189.
2018. At the House of Kemal: Private Musical Assemblies in Istanbul from the Late Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic. In R. Harris & M. Stokes (Eds), Theory and Practice in the Music of the Islamic World: Essays in Honour of Owen Wright, pp. 104-122. London: Routledge.
2016. Echoes of the Ottoman City in the Artistic Salons (meclis) of Modern Istanbul. In R. Van Boeschoten et al. (Eds) Memory Narrates the City…: Oral History and Memory of Urban Space, pp. 185-202. Athens: Plethron. (In Greek)
2015. Music in the Islamic World: Sources, Perspectives, Practices. [e-book]. Hellenic Academic Libraries Link – Kallipos. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/11419/4407 (In Greek).
2011. Rethinking Orality in Turkish Classical Music: A Genealogy of Contemporary Musical Assemblages. Middle Eastern Journal of Culture and Communication 4, 164-183. [Ömer Lütfi Barkan Award (honorable mention), Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association]
[Website: http://scholar.uoa.gr/ppoulos/home]