Eleni Kallimopoulou (MMus, PhD, SOAS, University of London) is assistant professor at the University of Macedonia. She is author of Paradosiaká: Music, Meaning and Identity in Modern Greece (Ashgate, 2009), co-author of Learning Culture through City Soundscapes – A Teacher Handbook (with P.C. Poulos and K. Kornetis, e-book, University of Macedonia, 2013), and co-editor of Counter-Archives: Rethinking Oral History from Below (with R.V. Boeschoten and V. Dalkavoukis, Greel Oral History Association, 2021), Music Communities in 21st-century Greece: Sonic Glances in the Field (with A. Theodosiou, Pedio, 2020), and Introduction to Ethnomusicology (with A. Balandina, Asini, 2014). She is a founding member of SonorCities, a research study group on the history and ethnography of sound and the senses, and a member of the International Advisory Board of Ethnomusicology Forum.
Indicative publications
Theodosiou, A. and E. Kallimopoulou, eds. 2020. Musical communities in 21st century Greece: ethnographic perspectives and audiences. Athens: Pedio.
Theodosiou, A. and E. Kallimopoulou. 2020. Music workshops, participatory music tourism and transnational communities of practice. In Musical communities in 21st century Greece: ethnographic perspectives and audiences, edited by Aspasia Theodosiou and Eleni Kallimopoulou, 99-132. Athens: Pedio
Kallimopoulou, E., και K. Kornetis. 2017. ‘Magical Liturgy’: A History of Sound at the Kyttaro Music Club, 1970-1974. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 35(2): 481-512.
Kallimopoulou, E. 2009. Paradosiaka: Music, Meaning and Identity in Modern Greece. Farnham: Ashgate